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enter our holiday shop to find collections of seasonal bestsellers, new holiday titles on sale, and more—plus our holiday gift guide of year-round titles to delight any music lover.

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this month, star guitarist sean shibe plays with tenor karim sulayman in la, boston, and dc. shop his universally acclaimed albums to date—plus his next, available for preorder now.

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dozens of outstanding non-seasonal titles that thrilled listeners in 2023, sale-priced through the holidays for your gifting purposes. hear, shop, and be merry; bring joy to the music-lover in your life.

the arkiv blog

isaac karabtchevsky recorded a villa-lobos symphony cycle, and much more, with the são paulo symphony for the naxos music of brazil series. revisit our interview with him as he releases a new album featuring the composer's cello concertos!

in john corigliano's opera the lord of cries, dracula receives a stunning new backstory: he is the greek god dionysus, returned to earth for a bloody bacchanal. what does it feel like to sing this role? we asked superstar anthony roth costanzo!

conductor alexander mickelthwate trusted that composer jonathan leshnoff could write stirring elegiac music. but on their new album with the oklahoma city philharmonic and violinist noah bendix-balgley, listeners hear many sides of leshnoff's art.

charles ives's sets for small orchestra had never been gathered on one recording until conductor james sinclair released his latest album in 2023. in this arkiv live q a, watch as sinclair and fellow ivesian jan swafford discuss this exciting title!

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